
Got questions, issues, critiques or ideas? At Limelight, these are better handled when sent in writing. Which is why emails get priority over phone calls. And we’ll give your email priority period. You can expect an answer to your email within one business day, more likely sooner.
For an immediate answer, our robust FAQ goes a lot further than most. If you haven’t already, we suggest visiting our FAQ page first. Information regarding custom logos & art, rush orders, shipping, turnaround time, typesetting/etiquette tips, order problems, etc. may all be found here.
If you still need information or have a specific question not answered on our website, feel free to email us at or text/call us at 901-484-8781. You can expect a response to your phone call within 2 business days. As noted previously, emails are preferred and will receive a faster response.
We appreciate you being a customer of Limelight Paper and Partyware, and hope your experience is nothing less than superb.
For an immediate answer, our robust FAQ goes a lot further than most. If you haven’t already, we suggest visiting our FAQ page first. Information regarding custom logos & art, rush orders, shipping, turnaround time, typesetting/etiquette tips, order problems, etc. may all be found here.
If you still need information or have a specific question not answered on our website, feel free to email us at or text/call us at 901-484-8781. You can expect a response to your phone call within 2 business days. As noted previously, emails are preferred and will receive a faster response.
We appreciate you being a customer of Limelight Paper and Partyware, and hope your experience is nothing less than superb.
If you do have a problem with your order, please let us know. Click here for details.